Vivian : Is she just a "Realtor?"
She is Vivacious,
She is Intelligent,
She is Vibrant,
She is Inspiring
She is Amiable,
Shis is Nice!!!
By K.S.-Cupertino (Buyer & Seller)
Dear Vivian:
I have received one of the most precious gift of life from you--A friendship built on trust , loyalty and faith through the transaction....By C. M. --Palo Alto (Buyer& Seller)Testimonials
International Society of Excellence
Coldwell Banker International President's Premier
Coldwell Banker International President's Elite
Top 100 Coldwell Banker Agents of Silicon Valley 1997-Present
Coldwell Banker Top 1% Agent Worldwide 2001-Present
Coldwell Banker Top 2% Agent Worldwide 1994-2000
Cornish & Carey Residential Brokerage --Rookie of the Year 1994
Professional Philosophy
Real estate is like travel: how you get there is just as important as the destination. Vivian's knowledge, efficiency, and empathy ensure a pleasurable journey to a desired outcome. Having been exposed to many cultures has enriched Vivian 's life as well as her R.E career in the Bay Area. Helping people from diversified cultural backgrounds, to make their dream a reality , to satisfy clients needs are Vivian's joys in life.
Most of Vivian's business comes from word of mouth, Action speaks louder than words. Vivian believes in preparation, agressive marketing, consistent and dependable communication , guidance, experience , expertise during buying and selling , negotiation skills and most of all PASSION for serving her clients. Professional Affiliations